Here's my "I'm surprised you're taking my photo!" face ...Even though I took the photo myself. I know. Talent, people. |
Mostly use the water bottle as a weapon- as people will be trying to touch your rock hard abs and high glutes and you'll have to fend them off.
Each exercise is done in 30 second intervals, 3 times in a row. After the 3 intervals are done for that particular exercise, you will complete 1 minute and 15 seconds of jump rope before moving on to the next exercise. This is a full-body strength plus cardio workout that will take you about 40 minutes to complete. Get ready, peeps!
Warm Up: 2 minutes jump rope
Exercise 1: Frogger Jump + Tricep Push Up
Your goal here is to jump as far forward as you can towards your toes, then back into a plank and lower into a tricep push up (keeping your elbows IN). This is harder than a regular push up- you may bring your knees to the ground!
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 2: Speed Skater Squat + Side Squat- Left
Begin wider than shoulder-width apart, bringing the left leg behind the right. Keep both kneecaps facing forward as you bend both knees into a speed skater squat, and then directly out to the left for a wide squat.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 3: Speed Skater Squat + Side Squat- Right
Repeat above, using the right leg.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 4: Walk Out Push Up
Begin in a push up position, hands under the shoulders. Keep hips LEVEL to your shoulders and your back straight, walk out to the right with your hands and complete one push up. Walk left and repeat.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 5: Star Plank- Right
This HURTS way more than it looks! Move into a star plank, your hand beneath your shoulder and your knee below your hip. Lift your right leg and right arm up, straightening both. Almost come back to the ground and then move back to a star.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 6: Star Plank-Left
Repeat above, but on the left side.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 7: Skydivers
Pretend you have just jumped out of a moving jet- your hands, arms, feet, and legs are lifting up off the ground! Try inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you drop for a better balance in your workout.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 8: Moving Forearm to Hand Plank
Begin on your forearms or hands. Without dropping the hips, change planks (if you started on your hands, move into a forearm plank). Repeat for a killer core plus upper body workout!
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 9: Jumping Quarter Turn Squats
Begin with feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back on the heels and complete one squat, keeping the toes in view (heels as aligned to your ankles as possible). Jump up and complete a quarter turn to the right and land in a squat. Jump back to centre, squatting, and then left, squatting.
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
1 minute 15 seconds jump rope, rest for 15 seconds
Exercise 10: Double Spiderman Burpee
The best for last! JUMP as high as you can (what do you have left???) and then immediately back into a plank position. Bring your right knee to your right wrist, and then to your left wrist, placing your foot back on the ground. Then bring your left knee to your left wrist, then your right wrist, and back to plank. Jump forward and repeat!
30 seconds of WORK, 15 seconds of REST, times 3
Finish: 2 minutes of jump rope!
You're done! This workout will have you burning calories all day and night, and wishing your fat would cry. For that, you are welcome.