What is "Clean Eating"? The term gets thrown out there a lot- yet do people actually know what it means? Does it mean eating nothing but lettuce and celery? Does it mean washing your food?
I first heard about Clean Eating through the book "The Eat-Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno (by the way, I despise the word "diet"- but to be fair, this is an awesome book that is more about adopting a clean-eating lifestyle rather than a diet). The premise of clean eating is simple- eat real, whole foods that have little to no processing (including meat) and are made up of ingredients that you can actually pronounce. Think fresh fruits and vegetables, good carbohydrates- like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes- dairy such as skim milk, greek yogurt, and lean protein like beans, legumes, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.
It was quite eye opening- real food? You mean... diet coke and fat-free ice cream don't constitute a healthy diet? People had a real issue with this. Eating MORE will help you become leaner? Good fats won't make you fat? Carbs aren't the devil? (I'm still working on changing many people's minds that this is the way to eat- Atkins and Low Fat diets really killed the idea that carbs and fats can actually be healthy for you).
Let's get clean, people. |
Now, don't get me wrong. I eat a ridiculous amount of chocolate. I consume alcohol. I totally dig going to the movies and getting a large diet coke with ice. Hell, the other day I ate two pizza pockets for dinner. But I believe nutrition should be about what you do 80% of the time. (And no, I'm not a nutritionist or a dietitian nor do I pretend to be). If you cheat (what's the opposite of eating clean? That's right- eating dirty, you sickos), make sure it's not a week's worth in one sitting.
I know what you're thinking. "Where do I get one of those red mugs?" |
Believe me, knowing that "Cheat Day" isn't code for "Eat whatever you want from sunrise to sunset" is something I stuggled with. I used to have one big cheat day a week and would consume a small country in one sitting. I'd eat until I felt physically sick, and then because I knew I couldn't have that bad stuff for another week, I'd keep eating. Great role model there, Katy.
Enter Larabar. My girlfriend Andra, who is a Naturopath, first introduced me to these bars that are to.DIE.for. She recommended them because they had great taste and their ingredients were real. Larabars contain between 2 and 9 ingredients total- all simple and clean ingredients such as cashews, peanuts, almonds, dates, cinnamon, cloves, etc. They are a great healthy snack fix at 3pm when I'm on my way to coach!
I'll listen to anything you say, doctor. (p.s. I swear, this is actually Andra. I do know her, and yes, she looks that good in real life.) |
They have amazing flavours such as Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Blueberry Muffin, Carrot Cake, and Peanut Butter Cookie, to name a few. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my FAVE and it contains FOUR ingredients total! Cashews, dates, sea salt, and chocolate chips. That's it, yo.
Get me a napkin for my drool. |
F Yeah. |
But don't listen to me. Instead, listen to this group of supermodels I hired.
Larabars can be taken anywhere. |
Larabars double as body armour. |
After seeing this, you should change your name to Lara. Even if you are male. |
You don't even need to take the wrapper off. It's THAT good. |
If you haven't bought Larabars yet, you will now. |
They fit right in to your pocket! Wait- you aren't a supermodel. Who brought the extra? |
It's time to reward my amazing followers with a Larabar giveaway! Larabars are also gluten free and vegan for those with dietary restrictions. You can win a sample of Larabars, a water bottle, and some fun stickers! (Supermodels sold separately)
Here's how you can win! Leave a separate comment for each!
+1 Follow my bliggity blog! and/ or +1 Follow your gal on
Additional entries:
+1 Follow
Larabar on Facebook and tell them which bar you'd most like to try (and that me and my supermodels sent you).
+1 Blog, Tweet, or Share this giveaway on Facebook!
Good luck! Contest will end on Sunday, October 2nd!