I'd rather be Vixen; the sexy and strong reindeer- who gets in trouble with Santa for drinking too much.
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Mmmmmm hmmmm. |
Wouldn't you, too if you had to carry the Old Man and his gazillion gifts around the world? Vixen's a fighter. A all-around badass mofo.
My kind of reindeer.
Vixen's Workout consists of functional training, like horsebacking your friends at a holiday party. |
You'll need 40 minutes for this workout, a bit of space, and a medicine ball (or something with elevation for one of the exercises). This is a Tabata Workout- which means you work for 20 seconds as hard as you can and then rest for 10. We'll alternate between 2 different exercises, and do each exercise 5 TIMES. Then move to the next station.
STATION 1: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- Reindeer Antlers
Reindeer Antlers are High and Wide- your goal for this exercise. Begin with both your feet side by side. Step or hop to your right, bending your knees and touching the ground with your right hand to the outside of your right foot. Lift your right hand high into the air. Jump to the left and repeat.
EXERCISE 2- Jump Lunge + Knee
Begin in a lunge position. Bring your back knee to your chest, place back in lunge position, jump up into the air and switch the position of your feet (landing in lunge position). Repeat by bringing the back knee to the chest and jump lunging again.
STATION 2: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- Reach the Sky Sit Ups
Begin in a sit up position. Lift your shoulderblades off the ground into a crunch. Once there, reach your right arm to the ceiling in a punching motion. Go back down to the floor. Repeat with left arm. For a more advanced option, keep shoulderblades off the ground at all times and repeat right and left without lowering in between.
EXERCISE 2- Elevated Plank + Knee Kick
Use a medicine ball or something equally elevated (the medicine ball adds a dimension of difficulty. To lower difficulty, use something solid that does not move). Place your right hand on the ball, left hand on the floor. Bring your left knee to your chest and immediately kick behind you, staying in plank position throughout the exercise.
STATION 3: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- Reindeer Hops
Begin standing, bringing your hands to the ground (bending your knees). Your feet will be slightly behind your hands, wider than shoulder-width apart. Jump back to a plank position. Jump as far as you can towards your hands, landing wider than shoulder width apart. Repeat.
EXERCISE 2- Stationary Dips
Begin with your hands and feet on the ground (fingertips facing your feet), belly-up. Lift your hips as high as you can (the higher the hips, the more advanced the movement). Bend your elbows behind you and straighten your arms. Repeat.
STATION 4: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- Scampering Reindeer Hooves
Get Santa off the ground ASAP! Your goal is to move as fast as you can through this shuffle move- switch left and right, keeping your opposite arm forward like you are cross country skiing on the spot.
EXERCISE 2- Standing Pendulums
Begin standing in a standing position. Swing your right leg up as high as you can to your right. Use momentum and bring down to the ground, lifting your left leg simultaneously. For a more advanced option, move faster!
STATION 5: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- Sitting Plank Push
Begin with your hands behind you, sitting down, leaning back (your spine is strong and straight). Lift your feet off the ground so that your KNEES are in line with your HIPS. Push your feet in front of you and bring your knees back to starting position. For an advanced option, take your hands off the ground.
EXERCISE 2- Burpee Jumping Jacks
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Jump up into the air, land and bend your knees to bring your hands down to the ground. Jump your feet back to plank position, jump your feet wide (like a jumping jack), then bring your feet back to plank position. Jump feet towards your hands and repeat.
STATION 6: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between both exercises, 5 times each.
EXERCISE 1- 4 Mountain Climbers + 1 Push Up
Try this killer combo- complete 4 mountain climbers and 1 push up. Repeat.
EXERCISE 2- Standing Santa Kicks
Start in a standing position. With a slight lean back, lift your knee to your hip, and extend straight out in front of you, as if you are closing a door in front of you (strike with the bottom of your foot). It is important that you keep a continual bend in your knee to avoid hyperextension. Repeat other side.
If you got to the end of this and thought, "Yeah right"- remember, you're only working for 20 SECONDS at a time, and ALTERNATING between the two exercises at each station. You can DO IT!!!! Santa would want you to. And if you're mad, blame Vixen.
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Don't hate. |